Preschool Technology Readiness Mission

The purpose of this blog is to explore the use of technology in the preschool classroom, considering different ideas, research, and methods, and to build a community of educators, parents, techies, and anyone interested in technology in preschool, where we can share our ideas and knowledge. We, the authors and contributors, are Early Childhood Education students, currently studying ECE Curriculum. Our textbook, The Creative Curriculum For Preschool (Diane Trister Dodge, Laura J. Colker, and Cate Heroman), is the foundation of our site, specifically with its chapter on computers (chapter 15).

We invite you, our readers, to reflect upon the importance of computers in preschool and consider the questions involved. Also, to share your experiences, knowledge, and resources with us, and those who frequent our blog.

Thank You!

The Preschool Technology Readiness Team

Monday, July 16, 2012

Computing for Those with Special Needs News and Articles

Computing for Those with Special Needs

Computers should be accessible to everyone. There is very little reason why a person with special needs can't enjoy the use of a computer. When it comes to assistive technology, there are adaptations and devices that make computer use possible for people with special needs. For instance, the keyboard may be changed or the sound system may be updated to make computer use more convenient.
Physical/Motor Impairment
People with physical or motor impairments can still enjoy using a computer. In fact, there are a number of devices that allow these individuals to successfully use a computer. For instance, keyboards can be adapted for use by a person with physical or motor impairment. Also, a person with a physical or motor impairment can use a computer mouse that better suits their needs.
Learning Disabilities
People with learning disabilities experience many benefits by using computers. For instance, recording ideas and writing can be made easier with the help of a word processor. Furthermore, a student with a learning disability may find it more convenient to type notes for a class on a computer instead of write them. Computers offer students with learning disabilities a number of ways to make their study time more effective.
Today, computers allow people with special needs more freedom to communicate with others. In fact, each new piece of computer technology brings people with special needs fresh and exciting opportunities.
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