Preschool Technology Readiness Mission

The purpose of this blog is to explore the use of technology in the preschool classroom, considering different ideas, research, and methods, and to build a community of educators, parents, techies, and anyone interested in technology in preschool, where we can share our ideas and knowledge. We, the authors and contributors, are Early Childhood Education students, currently studying ECE Curriculum. Our textbook, The Creative Curriculum For Preschool (Diane Trister Dodge, Laura J. Colker, and Cate Heroman), is the foundation of our site, specifically with its chapter on computers (chapter 15).

We invite you, our readers, to reflect upon the importance of computers in preschool and consider the questions involved. Also, to share your experiences, knowledge, and resources with us, and those who frequent our blog.

Thank You!

The Preschool Technology Readiness Team

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Los Altos School Technology Rules

Kindergarten Technology Proficiency Skills
Student will:
K-1 Identify and use the enter key, arrow keys, space bar, delete key, backspace key, Caps Lock
K-2 Identify and use the numbers and letters keys
K-3 Use the mouse to click and drag
K-4 Open and close application programs
K-5 Type name
K-6 Save work
K-7 Show responsible use of equipment
K-8 Work independently and cooperatively using technology tools
K-9 Use ergonomically correct posture at the computer
K-10 Demonstrates acceptable behavior at the computer and in the lab
K-11 Understands developmentally appropriate Internet use with respect to safety, manners, advertising, research, and technology

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