Preschool Technology Readiness Mission

The purpose of this blog is to explore the use of technology in the preschool classroom, considering different ideas, research, and methods, and to build a community of educators, parents, techies, and anyone interested in technology in preschool, where we can share our ideas and knowledge. We, the authors and contributors, are Early Childhood Education students, currently studying ECE Curriculum. Our textbook, The Creative Curriculum For Preschool (Diane Trister Dodge, Laura J. Colker, and Cate Heroman), is the foundation of our site, specifically with its chapter on computers (chapter 15).

We invite you, our readers, to reflect upon the importance of computers in preschool and consider the questions involved. Also, to share your experiences, knowledge, and resources with us, and those who frequent our blog.

Thank You!

The Preschool Technology Readiness Team

Monday, July 16, 2012

Possion Rouge, A Neat Interactive Website
Poisson Rouge Interactica has been developping interactive environments for children of all ages since 1999. Linguists, graphic artists, musicians and educational psychologists constitute the core team of designers. No text, no instructions, but carefully designed visual environments and soundscapes make Poisson Rouge Interactica's productions resemble nothing else in the interactive world. Its main website, counts over 60 000 visitors a day. Watch your children play, learn, grow and become autonomous and self-confident. Let the children play!

Poisson Rouge Interactica développe des environnements interactifs pour enfants de tous âges depuis 1999. Des linguistes, des artistes graphiques, des musiciens et des psychologues de l'éducation constituent l'équipe de concepteurs. Pas de texte, pas d'instructions, mais des environnements visuels et sonores conçus avec attention font que les productions de Poisson Rouge Interactica ne ressemblent à rien d'autre dans le monde de l'interaction. Son site phare, compte plus de 60 000 visiteurs par jour. Regardez vos enfants jouer, apprendre, grandir et devenir autonomes et confiants. Laissez les enfants jouer !

En français >>

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